Ending the week with a satisfied client who shares their experience is joyful.
Thank you, Valérie!

« We restructured our medical sector business into two companies in 2022 and turned to Kevin Goffart because he was already handling our telephony. From the beginning, he was a quality interlocutor, offering appropriate and technically superior solutions to facilitate and structure our multiple tasks. He provided solutions to all of our problems as well as regular support that relieved our administrative team.
His ability to structure, secure, and streamline IT is quite impressive.
We can call him whenever we want, and the helpdesk line is very efficient, allowing us to resolve our issues within the hour or the same day. Having such service today is a significant luxury.
In addition, the team that Kevin Goffart has surrounded himself with at MYCIO is, like him, very dedicated and human, with their only priority being to meet our needs.»
_ Valérie Locatelli, COO-CFO-HR Manager at Devroye Instruments